
where your dick turns to cheese

you are free to eat your own, but ask before consuming others' cheese dicks. if you consume someone else's dickcheese without consent you can be charged with both assault both general and sexual

if it's consensual though, go at it, you crazy kids

this website is not medically certified and cannot be held liable for creation and/or subsequent loss of dick, cheese or otherwise. no individual actions taken after visiting this page can be held against the creators in a court of law. for genuine medical advice regarding presence of penile sebum in uncircumsised individuals, please consult this webmd article and do not attempt to contact the website creator

i went through the agony of actually finding a dickcheese porn clip and i regret it greatly because now i'm sick to my stomach. i hope you're happy, neocities.

have a cat picture for your troubles

apparently i have to keep going despite the volume of emotional and psychological trauma i just endured, so here's a list of top ten favorite cock cheeses